The Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

Battle of Memphis, 1865, comments are welcome!

Hello. I tried posting in both Arkansas and Mississippi and so far no one seems to have anything to say about this.
Does anyone know anything about the Battle of Memphis?
I am to interview two guys tomorrow whose ancestor was
Lt. Wm Stewart Herron, who served under
Nathan Bedford Forrest.
Supposedly there was a Battle at Memphis just as the war was ending back east.
The brother to N. B. Forrest was wounded and Herron
helped N. B. Forrest pull him to safety.
After the battle, it was learned that the war had ended and Forrest and the rest mounted up and rode out without surrendering.
Also, does anyone know the story of Forrest and his men
robbing a payroll train as it left Alabama going back into Tenn. ?
Suppsoedly it is written up in a history of one of the units from Illinois. I even had most of the story and my computer crashed and
there it went.
It told how the CSA men took up the tracks to keep them from leaving, etc.
Comments are certainly welcome.
Linda T. Acrey,
a descendent of James Thomas Harper,
who served with the 5th Tennessee,
and who was wounded at Shiloh

Messages In This Thread

Battle of Memphis, 1865, comments are welcome!
Battle of Memphis
Re: Battle of Memphis
Re:Memphis, 1864, update on 7th Tenn. Cav., CSA
Re:Yankee payroll train coming out of Alabama
Re: must read on payroll train from Alabama