The Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

MTCWRT May 2006 Meeting

The next meeting of the Middle Tennessee Civil War Round Table is scheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 2006 (7:00 P.M.) at Bradley Academy. Anyone interested in open discussion of the Civil War topics with a local flavor are welcome to attend.

This month’s meeting features State Representative Steve McDaniel. Besides representing his constituents in Nashville, Mr. McDaniel has been one of the driving forces behind the preservation and interpretation of the Parker’s Crossroads Battlefield. Steve will share the story of the Battle of Parker’s Crossroads and tell us how a grass roots effort managed to save the sight of one General Nathan Bedford Forrest’s most audacious victories.

On December 31, 1862, Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and his 1,800 man cavalry brigade had been raiding the communications and supply lines of Grant’s Army of the Tennessee when they were brought to battle and nearly surrounded by two Union brigades at Parker’s Crossroads. Forrest and his men charged each enemy force and managed to escape the trap.

The Middle Tennessee Civil War Round Table meets every third Tuesday of the month at Bradley Academy, located on Academy Street in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Membership applications are available at each meeting. Membership costs $10 per year for individuals and $15 for families. All meetings are open to the public regardless of membership status. Each meeting will include time for interested parties to share stories and memorabilia from the Civil War era with the membership.

For more information, contact Jim Lewis at 615-890-1926 (before 8 PM) or by e-mail at