The Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

A. & I. G. CSA Special Order 61/5

Does anyone have information on the content of Adjutant & Inspector General's Office, Confederate States, Special Order 61/5?

George Martin

A 1st Lieutenant of the 43rd Tennessee has a card in his file, typewritten,

Eidson, L. W.
1st., Lieut. Co. E. 43 Tenn. Vol.
Subject: Dropped
Special Order Number 61/5
Mar. 13, 1863
Adjutant & Inspector General's Office, Confederate States, contains information relative to the man named, on the subject mentioned above.

I believe this Special Order may have required the mandatory dropping from the rolls those who had been absent without leave for some specified time. Also, at same further time he was to be listed as a deserter. In this gents case he is recorded on the Jan/Feb 1863 muster roll as "Absent, absent without leave as usual"

His records show that he was sent to the hospital in Rogersville, Tenn. back on November 12, 1862 and had rejoined the regiment in time to be captured at Vicksburg July 4,1863.