The Tennessee in the Civil War Message Board

Franklin Civil War Round Table Meeting Jan 10

The Franklin Civil War Round table is excited to present Mr. Kent Wright and his discussion of the Red River campaign, at our monthly event, January 10th. Wright, a veteran of the United States nuclear navy and member of the Huntsville Round Table, has studied extensively the topic of naval activity during the War, often an overlooked topic.

The Red River campaign featured the clashing of infantry and gun boats, intrigue and politics as part of the largest campaign fought west of the Mississippi. Many who hear Wright will be surprised to learn the extent of the role of naval combat and its impact on the outcome of the War.

Wright has presented several programs on the importance of major Southern rivers including local streams like the Cumberland and Tennessee to the Mississippi and Red River. While not a local Middle Tennessee campaign, it is interesting to note the influence of this campaign on events in our area as well.

Please join us as we look forward to the first Round Table of 2010! We meet at the Williamson Country public Library and start at 3:00 PM.