My ancestor's name was Jesse Thomas Blackwell. He went by the name Thomas, or Tom, on local county documents. So any muster roll could have thses names isnstead of Jesse. Also, I have seen him referred to as "JT". (His papa and grandfather were both Jesse, without known middle names).
The article I found was in a Caldwell Co. genealogy book about families. Thomas' war involvment was written under his friend's name, George L. Alexander.
"While in the army, he met and became friends with another soldier from Caldwell Co, Jesse Thomas Blackwell." It goes on to say that after Tom died in 1901 (which my 2nd grandfather did), George moved back to DeWitt.
Now, Jesse Thomas Blackwell (b1832) moved to Caldwell County Texas from Missouri sometime in the 1840s, and he married a woman from Caldwell Co. in 1856, built a large house in 1857. He always lived here. So I don't know if DeWitt was only where Alexander was born, or if DeWitt and Caldwell men joined together during the war.
Hope this helps to clarify things a bit.
By the way, Caldwell Co. was part of northern Gonzales co until 1848. Dewitt County is to the south of Gonzales Co., about an hour and 1/2 away (by car).
By horse, I don't know! Thank you for any help.