I am not sure if Rachel Blackwell is connected to my family. My 3rd and 4th great grandfathers were born in Virgina, and moved to Missouri sometime just before 1800. We believe the eldest was involved in the fur trade, during the western expansion. A cousin found that he was working in close proximity of Moses Austin and did actually work for William H. Ashley. (that is the extent of my knowledge on that).
Now, Rachel may be related to one of the older generations and her family branched off of a brother of my 4th (Jesse). You might keep looking to see if her family was connected to Goochland Co., Virginia. My 4th, Jesse Blackwell b. 1750 was the first generation born in America. His father was from Derbyshire England. Ah, Jesse. Yet another war mystery. He went before court in Missouri at the age of 82, and stated what year he was born, and where he fought in the Am. Revolution. Since he was so old, he ran out of "life" before a pension could be gotten. No records have been found, except for the paper of his court appearance.
Yes, I have been running up against so many brick walls!
Check to see if Ranchel decended from a David, William, Samuel, or James, all most likely around 1750, give or take on each side. Some of Jesse Jr's children I have son in laws names for,and a few grandchildren, but most I don't. So, there is a chance Rachel could have decended from one of his children. If you find a connection to Virigia, contact me and I will try to help.