The Texas in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Ongoing Research Projects Page Installed!

I've installed the "Ongoing Research Projects" page for the authors and researchers on the TXCWMB. This is a more "permanent" location where you can list your research project(s) and enlist the assistance of others here on the message board.

If you'd like to see how this site works at another state message board, go to the Alabama in the Civil War Message Board; Ongoing Research Projects page at and you'll get an idea of its purpose.

I'll have the "Support Our TXCWMB Authors!" and the "Special Announcements" pages working today or tomorrow.

In the meantime, I've contacted every online Texas SCV and SUVCW camp, CWRT and Texas CW website informing them of the new address of the TXCWMB and asking for their participation. I've also sent out hundreds of emails to the TXGenWeb state and county coordinators, as well as, descendants of Texas CW soldiers who have posted queries on other boards.

You can help me by contacting your friends, fellow reenactors, SCV members, CWRT members, authors, professors and other researchers and invite them to visit and contribute to this site.

The Alabama CW Message Board had over 70,000 hits in February. I'm determined and believe the Texas site can rival or exceed "little 'ol Alabama".

I hope you're enjoying the TXCWMB, so far. Keep checking back to see more additions and improvements.

Please feel free to send me your comments, questions and suggestions to improve the quality of discussion and traffic on this site.

Jim Martin in