The Texas in the Civil War Message Board

Frontier Regiment Company A - Roster List

Does anyone know if there is a list of men that was in Company A? I am trying to do some cross checking / research on my great grandfather
Captain William Banta who lived in Burnet County. I have started a list but don't have very many names or if it is accurate.

1) Captain Wm. Banta
2) J.W. Caldwell
3) Jake Banta
4) John Banta
5) Sam Holland
6) Nath. Gilbreath
7) Lafe McDonald
8) Alonzo Reese
9) Pete Hazelwood

I know that the usual company had 50 to 55 members that would break up into small scouting units of 15. Does anyone know if a list exists or where I might find it??
