The Texas in the Civil War Message Board

Correct identity of a Texas soldier at Camp Chase

Grave number 2140 at the Camp Chase Cemetery reads: "A. Bergman Co. C Texas Rangers C.S.A." For nearly 150 years the correct identity and unit of this Confederate soldier has been in error. Some of the soldiers at the Camp Chase Cemetery have more interesting stories than others and the one for this soldier I feel is exceptional and is worth telling.

Augustus and William Beckmann were two of seven children born to Henrich Henry Beckmann and Sophie Lochte. The family moved from Germany to the Port of Galveston on November 25, 1852 and settled in the Grape Creek Community in Texas. They were both born in the Duchy of Saxe-Weimar in Germany. Both Augustus and William would join Company F of the 2nd Texas Infantry on September 5, 1861 in Galveston, Texas.

The two Beckmann brothers were at the battle of Shiloh,TN with the 2nd Texas when on April 7, 1862 both were hit in the leg. William's wound was to his calf and he was taken prisoner to Camp Chase where he entered the hospital and recovered and was exchanged in the Dix-Hill Cartel agreement in September of 1862.

Augustus' wound however was to his knee and was taken prisoner to Camp Dennison, Ohio near Cincinnati. Augustus Beckmann would die of his wound at the hosptial on May 9, 1862 and be buried at the Camp Dennison Cemetery. The only item that Augustus had with him when he died was a German Testament. (Bible)

In May of 1869 Captain Irving of the Quarter Masters Department reinterred Augustus Beckmann's body and moved it to the Camp Chase Cemetery.

His stone # 2140 today says A. Bergman Co. C Texas Rangers. According to his Compiled Military Service Records it says see Augustus Beckmann Company F 2nd Texas Infantry when you find A. Bergmans service records.

As for William Beckmann he would be transferred to a Confederate hospital and work there because of his wound at Shiloh. He would survive the War and settle in Mississippi and have three children.