The Virginia in the Civil War Message Board

How many guns were captured April 9 at Appomattox?

There were several articles that appeared in “our confederate column “on the subject of union horse artillery Captured by the confederate cavalry on April 9.

Theodore Garnett, assistant adjutant general to Brigade commander Gen. William Paul Roberts analyzed what appeared to be contradictory accounts Written by various confederate cavalry regiment regarding the capture of union horse artillery on April 9.

He concluded the regiments of Roberts‘s brigade captured two guns. He says the brigade also captured quite a number of infantryman Who he believed came from the 11th Maine.

Garnett also stated that the Virginia brigade under Beale captured a second battery of two guns.

Have any of you studied this part of the battle of Appomattox Courthouse? I could definitely use some help. I’m willing to share digital copies of the articles that I have about the captured guns
