Thanks alot for the information and confirmation.
As far as I can gather, Adams battery lost several men while in camp at Bowling Green prior to moving to Fort Donelson. Also, I have read that Adams was not at Donelson.
Because of this, I believe that they were placed in with another battery, thus little to no recognition as even being there (According to NPS accounts or "Where the South Lost the War" by Kendal Gott). Along the way I have read one of their four guns was a rifled piece. Interestingly enough, they probably had the only rifled piece on the battlefield at Donelson. Archer shells have been found here for many years, typically in a localized place, which would put them in the area of French's Battery, which was placed in the middle of the line during the breakout on the 15th. All of the archers that have been found with sabots have 11 Lands and Grooves, which indicates definate Confederate Manufacture and probably a Tredegar Gun.
Probably not too interesting to non-Fort Donelson fans, but interesting none-the less.
Thanks for the information again, and any other information that comes up please forward.
John Walsh