sir, i have miss quoted the words in longstreets book,
but i do have book, by author edward g. lonacre, titled
Pickett (leader of charge), a biography of General George
E. Pickett, C.S.A. of which i assume to be accurate to
some degree,. in it ,it says, while at Guiney's Station
his division recieved another addition when, shortly before
christmas, it assimilated a new regiment. the Twenty-ninth
Virginia, an aggregation of mountaineers short on dicipline
and soldierly bearing but with high tolerance forprivation and discomfort, was assigned to Corse's brigade to give it
the same complement of regiments.
sir, if this is not correct then i need to throw away this
book, these are all i have to base my questions on.
my sincere apology. thanks mike