The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board - Archive

Re: Tilmon Bayne,some info found, what is it?

Hello. It appears this Tilmon Bayne b. Kentucky lived from 1832-1926 dying in Arkansas. The death index should help me pinpoint his exact date of death.
His record says: 3rd Regimental Provisional Enrolled Missouri Milita.
Does this mean like the home guard?
Since dicovering his date of birth and death it means this man was 30 years old or about. According to what was discovered if it was true, he and his wife had 12 children.
Input would be appreciated.

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Tilmon Bayne, a confusing question
Re: Tilmon Bayne,some info found, what is it?
Re: Tilmon Bayne,some info found, what is it?
Re: Tilmon Bayne,some info found, what is it?