The Kentucky in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Camp Green KY
In Response To: Camp Green KY ()

Dear Ma'am,

A friend of mine compiled a list of all known Union and Confederate forts, installations, and camps in the state of Kentucky. I have been unable to find a "Camp Green", but can you give me any more specifics? Many, if not most, of the training camps(aka "camps of instruction) and recruitment depots of each side operated under different names at different times throughout the War(in an effort to drive future generations of researchers crazy), and I'd say that this is one of them. If you can give me anything else I should be able to find you something. Do you know what part of the state that the camp was in, or which army operated the camp? To my knowledge, there were at least 26 Confederate and 110 Federal camps and forts in Kentucky at one point or another during the War, and unless I am mistaken, one of the Union camps was Camp Green Clay Smith, named in honor of the general and son of the abolitionist/general Cassius M.Clay of Madison County, somewhere near Louisville. If you'd like, I'd get your reply faster if you emailed me at But either way, get back to me and I'll see if I can find something for you.


Michael J Gabbard

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Camp Green KY
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