I haven't given up on the Webbs of Jackson Co MO yet.
Couple of loose ends to tie up for sure.
The partisan ranger Thomas B. Webb is I'm sure the one with death certificate # 33464 d Oct 22,1928. Son of Asa Webb, along with William and Preston Webb.
The prior mentioned Thomas Benton Webb buried in Oklahoma is part of the Oak Grove Missouri Webbs descended from the Giles Co. TN clan. Prelim info indicates he is likely related to Larkin Morris Webb, son of Larkin and Sally (Brown) Webb of Giles Co. TN. The genetic connection between the two branches comes from Merry Webb (b 1659?) to Thomas Webb b 1698 who married Elizabeth Morris I think. Do you happy to know what the DNA match is? Is it a Y Haplotype match i.e. direct shared paternal line? Noe of the above about Larkin Morris Webb is sourced verified yet.
John R.