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Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason

Hello, Norman: It seems that it has gotten pretty bad sometimes, with demands to change the names of buldings, remove flags, denigrate revered heroes, etc. Of recent note, the ROTC buildng at Middle Tennessee State University, and a school in Jacksonville, Forida, named after General Nathan Bedford Forrest, arguably the best cavalry officer of the war, have been under attack, with demands the name be changed.

General Forrest is accused of a massacre of black soldiers at Fort Plllow, when he stopped his soldiers from any such thing. There were bad feelings between these troops and the people of the area, but Forrest, after the war, was a supporter of blacks being educated and hired in responsible positions, which he did on his railroad.

In Atlanta, Forrest Avenue was changed, to simply, "Boulevard." Stewart Avenue, after a Confederate General in the Atlanta Campaign, has been renamed "Metropolitan Blvd."

High school and college bands are asked not to play Dixie at football games. The NCAA (collegiate athletic assn.) will not schedule playoff games in some states, because they honor their past.

The only good news of late is the NAACP (look it up) is closing offices and laying off about 30,000 staff, because their donations are down. I'm sure there are islands of hope, as T.S. notes, but there are areas of concen, as well.

Good night. Stan

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"Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason.
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
"Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason.
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
"Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason.
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason
Re: "Dixie" played twice, right time, right reason