Capt Pleasant G. Swor and his family and Pvt. William R. Swor 5th TN Inf Co A and family are buried in Dallas, TX at the Garvin Memorial Cemetery. the following is a link that shows the current condition of the cemetery.
PG Swor is my gggreat uncle and I am not at all happy about this situation. Please take time to look at the site.
I am bringing this to your attention, because the Garvin Memorial Cemetery is of historical value and it should be maintained regularly but it is in a total wreck. The Swor family is asking anyone who cares to write him letters telling the Dallas city counsel that family members and non family members do care what happens to the cemetery. It would be wonderful to be able to care for this small cemetery that progress is trying to ignore or even worse develop the land, because of its location. PLEASE take the time right now to write Gordon Swor and express why this small cemetery is important to other Swor descendants as well as a historical value. Below is Gordon Swor's address and his email address.
Gordon Swor
1433 Rolling Hills
Celina, TX 75901
Thank you so very much for reading this.
Thank you,
Sandra Alford Bray
UDC # 509 Terrell TX