Re: John Jackson Griffin
I believe the 2nd Cav has a honorable history of service, however, Captain Stacey did not participate very much, if at all. This is according to his descendants. There are two cemeteries on the east side of old 31. One is the Bethel cemetery, a historical place in terms of religion as it is the site of the church where the adherents of the Primitive Baptist doctrine and the adherents of the Missionary Baptist doctrine split. The Missionary Baptists became the largest group in Alabama. The other cemetery, a smaller one that sits right next to the highway also holds the remains of 2nd Alabama men. I, too, lived at Pintlala in 1976 and 1977. My rental house was on the east side not far north of the crossroads. The NW quadrant of the intersection was the property of John Stacey, grandfather of Thomas R. Stacey, the first of our line to come to Alabama in 1810, presumably along the indian path that became the Federal road.