Re: 15th Alabama infantry Co. G John S. Parrish/pa
Col. William Oates of the 15th Alabama Inf says this about John S. Parish in his 1905 book. " John S. Parish was 22 years old when he enlisted March 5, 1862. He was a very fair soldier, and did his duty until in East Tennessee, along in December or January, 1863-1864, he mysteriously disappeared, and no account whatever was received of him, after waiting some months, his captain mustered him as a "deserter." Had he in fact deserted, in all probability something would have been heard of him before now. He had a wife at home, with whom he lived happily, and neither she nor his nearest relatives have ever heard of him. There were many Union men in that country, and I think it more than probale that he was killed by some of them than that he deserted."
THE WAR BETWEEN THE UNION AND THE CONFEDERACY AND ITS LOST OPPORTUNITIES a history of the 15th Alabama Regiment by Colonel William C. Oates