Mr. Coffee,My GGGrandfather escaped from a prison train at Conyers GA. Feb.26,1863 and made his way at first north then west going through both Jasper,Blairsville, Dalton,Lafayette around Pigeon Mt. through McLemore's Cove into ALA. eventually to Federal lines at Corinth,MS.actually Rienzi,March 25,1863.He was to be hanged and managed to get on the train as several others were being loaded at Atlanta.He had traded with an officer on the train his uniform for a 1st.LA.Reg.Inf. uniform.It is a long story. I might mention the 1stLA. had Provost duty at Murfreesboro prior to the Battle of Stones River is how that man a federal officer captured before Stones River was in the Butternut.The fact your kin were from N.Ireland of Scot-Irish descent plays into what I had thought for years.How did a Yankee blend in to the southern countryside?My GGGrandfather was born in the U.S.1834 but, his family had immigrated from Co.Fermanagh in 1825.The Scot-Irish culture was theirs till in the early nineteen hundreds when they had been assimulated into the american culture.I have pictures of my Grandfather in a kilt in the 1890's and they spoke Galic as well as english.As you know it is a small world.My GGGrandfather wrote a article in the history of his regiment entitled Lt.Elliott's Narative.He said a Conscription officer was at Jasper and he was told he could catch up easily.I was curious to just what regiment was forming early March 1863.Secondly he met a women that startled both him and her and she said I thought you might be a yankee but, again he assured her he wasn't.Of course he was.Probally because of his Scot-Irish heritage she believed him.He mentions it is not his nature to lie. She fed him and was kind..I know it is far fetched but, was woundering if any history of the area mentions a wayward soldier of the 1st LA.Inf. trying to get back to Middle TN.?
Interestingly enough I live in San Felipe,TX. the first Anglo land grant from Mexico.As you see the world is still small.
If you might point me into a direction I would appreciate it. Thanks,Michael P.Elliott