I have read all of the banter back and forth on whether the battle happened at 3PM, whether SD Lee was at the battle and all I can say is: Does any one know the answer to the question since this is the Flag Board?
Whether you believe that Franklin was a major battle or not, we who had relatives there know that the battle was important and I am glad that Eric has added to the body of knowledge about the battle.
Jamie, here is the quote you mentioned as I have quoted it in my 7th Miss. regimental history [Lest We Forget-The immortal Seventh Mississippi-not yet published]:
General Sharp and the “High Pressure Brigade” Praised
“The brigade, by its intrepid dash under the leadership of Gen. J. H. Sharp, had won the sobriquet of the 'High Pressure Brigade.' Gen. S. D. Lee, the corps commander, in a speech before the Mississippi Legislature, alluded to General Sharp at Franklin in the following language: 'He led his command through the famous locust thicket, that ordinarily a dog could not have gotten through, he led them to the breastworks of the enemy and engaged in a death struggle over them. The troops on each side bayoneting each other. He captured three stands of colors, the only Confederate trophies taken on the ensanguined field. He was equally gallant on other fields, but if there was none other but Franklin, his name should go down immortal in history as a hero who led a band of Mississippians, all of whom were heroes.’”
Source: BATTLE OF FRANKLIN REMEMBRANCES. Confederate Veteran, Nov. 1902. pp 500-503. G.W. Leavell.