Private James M. Darnell was captured at Missionary Ridge on November 25, 1863. He was forwarded to Nashville and on January 14, 1864 forwarded to Louisville, Kentucky. He was then forwarded from Louisville to Rock Island Prison, Illinois on January 17, 1864 and entered Rock Island on January 20, 1864.
He appears on a roll of POW's that enlisted in the U.S. Army, Company G, 3rd U.S. Volunteers at Rock Island Barracks, Illinois for frontier service October 18, 1864, roll dated November 7, 1864. Appointed 7th Corporal, February 27, 1865. Born Campbell, Georgia. Physical Description: Grey eyes, Light hair, Height: 5'6". Age 24, Occupation: Farmer. The men in these U.S. Volunteer Regiments were known as Galvanized Yankees. You can read more about the Galvanized Yankees at and and the book "The Galvanized Yankees" by Dee Brown.
He also had an obvious relative (John T.) that was also in Company A, 56th Georgia.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Gerald D. Hodge, Jr.
M.A. Military History - Civl War Concentration
War Between the States Historian
Research - Preservation
Historian: 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment