I am truly appreciative on the info you have given me. Thank you. I will start the new journey with what you have given me.
I have a feeling that the William A. Farmer I am searching for, might be the one from 44th Inf, Co. D.(Clayton Co). That's where my family has resided since the 1830's. My Farmer family still lives in the same area today!
I just found that Clayton Co, Ga mustered units in the 10th, 22nd, 30th and the 44th. I dont have any records on William and I can not find him on any census after 1860 as I can on the rest of his syblings and parents. I concluded he must have served in the war and died during the war. For that matter, I dont have any Civil War records for any of my family. I am not sure if any of them fought in the War!
I think I will have to go to Atlanta and start the search!
Thanks a million~