I will check some more books on the Colbert school,'Leader's and Leading men in Indian Territory'It has alot about the teachers and schools pre-war,locations,most of the teachers went into the Confer.Indian Joesph F Thompson,Frederick Severs,and others. I now think that when he said he was going to 'Old'Ft Arbuckle his referance was to the (Road) not the actual place of the Fort.That would place
him at Cochrans.(direction-south)
He's (R.L Cochran) is in a unmarked grave,thought to be in the family Cem.It was surveyed in July 1901 by the town of Stonewall?
Cyrus Harris was a "Chickasaw" Gov. my error- He's the first one in my book of Gov 1855-1900 Bio's. I was confussed by Cabeb Starr Bio-stating"He refugeed at Boggy the Choctaw Nation at the time of the war'.
Any way I'm not much help on the reading--the road of Old Ft Arbuckle did it run on the south side of the Shawnee Hill's? or did it go though the hill's near (todays Tandy & Barnett) and was on the north side of the Hills?(Aka Choctaw trail)?
The same or different roads,there so many spur roads(short cuts it's hard to read? Thanks