For FG information regarding the war years, there is very little and it is scattered in the National Archives. Some will be found in the Department of Arkansas files. As far as I know, there is no post hospital record book. My interest is really the 1866-1890 era, and even then, there are gaps. For instance, the post returns are missing for the 1866-1872 era, as the microfilm of the post returns starts up after the war with the 1872 reoccupation of the post by the 10th Cav and 25th Infantry, after a very brief adandonment of the post in 1871-72. The NARA website breaks down the record groups and the description of holdings for the AG (I believe) shows that there are records to be found in the Department of the Arkansas, for 1865 and I remember another microcopy (M633?) for several months in 1863.
I share your frustration over this lack of record keeping. Remember, though, Annie Abels wrote three classic books on the American Indians, before there was a National Archives. She climbed, dug, or sorted through garages, attics, warehouses, and other places to find these records, and some have since disappeared, due to neglect, fire, flood, careless or other means of desturction. I fear that this is what happened to the Civil War records of Fort Gibson.
What I want to see is a meeting of the minds where everyone brings what they have uncovered. I have copied off material from Dyer's on Union units which served at the fort, for instance. A conference would help establish who has what and where all this research is taking us. I have also gon through the Indian Pioneer Interviews and found a few things-most interesting is the sccount by a 113 year old woman who served as a cook to the officers. She recalls the men marching out to burn Fort Davis and marching off to Honey Springs. I also have copies of three courtsmartial of IHG soldiers. Seems that culturally they did not understand desertion. No one shot, but interesting reading.
I live in Sapulpa, and can be reached at 918-224-8660.