The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

Soldiers killed at Centralia

I have a list of 23 soldiers killed at the train station, I don't believe the two shot by Anderson as they were getting off the train for failing to obey his orders and they fell between the cars are included in the list of 23 Sgt Goodman, as we know,escaped and there iare two accounts of a soldier outsmarting one of the guerilas and escaping on his horse, bringing the total to 25 soldiers. As far as some of the soldiers being armed there were three-Arnold, Carpenter and Gore, who were guarding prisoners-Dilley, Madera and Russell. Also, there is a marker for Sgt Goodma at Jefferson Barracks where most of the soldiers are buried.Goodman's marker is Sec45, Plot1642 while he is actually buried in Santa Rosa Cemetery, Santa Rosa, CA(
Any of this is open to question and I will more than willing to share

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Soldiers killed at Centralia
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