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Re: Has anybody heard from John Tucker?

Keith, yes, there are times I feel discouraged with our beloved group. Yet there are time my heart swells with pride at being a part of it. I have come to realize something. The SCV, and for that matter no other group, is ever going to be and behave 100% the way I wish it would. Even the Church, and I don't mean any denomination but the Church as a whole, doesn't always do things the way I would prefer.

But I know this... When I am tempted to get discouraged about Church I realize those thoughts must be putting a smile on old Lucifer's face and it inspires to me to stick it out. The same holds true for my membership in the SCV. I know that for all of its faults the SCV is at the front of the lines in defending the Confederate soldier's good name. If our group ever dies out the forces of political correctness will have a day of jubilee indeed.

Don't get discouraged my brother. Blow off steam if you need to. You can even step back and take a break from active participation for a while if needed. Even war time soldiers get furloughs. But don't go over the hill on us. Remember...

"To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier's good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish."

Jamie Roberts
SCV Camp #358
Brigadier General Leroy Augustus Stafford
Alexandria, Louisiana

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Has anybody heard from John Tucker?
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Re: Has anybody heard from John Tucker?
Re: Has anybody heard from John Tucker?
Re: Has anybody heard from John Tucker?
Re: Has anybody heard from John Tucker?