The Virginia in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Battle of Glenburnie???
In Response To: Battle of Glenburnie??? ()


I would care to guess that this is most likely referencing one of the many segments of what is collectively known as Dahlgrens Raid, which parts of it occured in that area in March 1864. Dahlgrens intentions were to make a Federal Cavalry raid on lightly defended Richmond, free the prisoners at Belle Isle, wreck havoc and general mayhem. He was thwarded by the efforts of mostly local defence forces in Richmond. A quick series of small running skirmishes 3-4 miles west of Richmond, amongst other places as they were chased out of the region. This was the only fighting of any sort that occured in that immediate area. It wasnt a "battle" per-se, but a series of small minor running skirmishes.

Glenburnie was a large private estate. The immediate area was more commonly referered by other names such as Plank Road or Westham. Glenburnie name still exists in a road name and some local businesses in the area, but not much else. As happens with many of the old names of locations and places once urban sprawl kicked in. Today the area is usually refered to simply and collectively as the "West End" of Richmond.


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Battle of Glenburnie???
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Re: Battle of Glenburnie???