It is possible to 'copy-and-paste' from the Cornell ORs. When you get to the page view (after you've searched), go to the upper left corner where it says "View as:" and change your view to "text"; you can block and copy that to your document. You will have to carefully check everything, however, because the ORs were "scanned" into the system and thereby picked up a lot of errors (into the tens-of-thousands). The searches you perform are done on the scanned text, with all these embedded errors, which is one reason you may not find something that is (in fact) in the ORs (but mis-spelled because of the machine-reading). One trick when you are searching, to find things is to put in less letters of a word and add an '*' (e.g. Arka* arti*). Then you must sort out things you weren't interested in to get to the hidden facts.