The Georgia in the Civil War Message Board

Re: personnel records od Western& Atlantic Railroa

Hello Ray, I too have had that question. If I remember correctly I was told that the records may be with the new owners of the rail road? It sounded to me that if enough research was done you might run across a treasure trove of information. There is also a Civil War museum just North of Atlanta where the engine the "General" can be viewed. Perhaps they too might be able to provide additional information? You were correct in stating that employees of the Western and Atlantic were exempt from military service, people like Fuller for example. And it would NOT surprise me if some of the men were in State Guards etc when Sherman entered the state.

The stories of the Western and Atlantic which was started I think about 1838 are highly interesting. The end of the line or terminal was even named terminous for a time, please excuse the spelling but later Terminous was named Atlanta. If you stay with it, you could turn up much needed information. Some of these records could be in personal hands or just plain scattered or lost? I don't think you will find them in a few days or even weeks or months but if you stay with it, the rewards would be plenty. Good Luck.

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personnel records od Western& Atlantic Railroad
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Re: personnel records od Western& Atlantic Railroa
Re: personnel records od Western& Atlantic Railroa
Re: personnel records od Western& Atlantic Railroa
Re: personnel records od Western& Atlantic Railroa