Head Quarters Post Atlanta, March 29th, 1864, BGen Marcus J. Wright to
Col. M. H. Wright, Commanding Troops and Defenses, Atlanta, Georgia
I am directed by an order from Hd Qrs Armies Confederate States, dated Richmond 25th March 1864, to proceed without delay to make a thorough inspection of all ??????? operating ?? ??- service in and about Atlanta, embracing a report of the character and condition of the defenses of Atlanta, and the number of troops to man them. You will give me such information touching[?] this matter, which you may have in your possession, with as little delay as possible.
On this same date he addresses another similar letter to Col. M. H. Wright, addressing him as Commanding Local Troops, Atlanta, Ga. [Cards 108/9]
BGen. M. J. Wright, March 1864 Assumes command of the Post at Atlanta, Ga. (Card 140)
March 10, 1864 from his Head Quarters Post, Atlanta, Marcus Wright writes Col. M. H. Wright, Commanding Troops and Defenses of Atlanta (Card 97) Commanding Arsenal, Atlanta March 29, 1864 (Card 25)
Col. [M. H. Wright]
Genl Johnston desires to inspect the Defenses around the City after Church tomorrow. I desire you to be at my Office after Church. I will then know at what hour it will suit him to go.
Respectully, Marcus J. Wright, Mar. 12, 1864 (Card 23)
Ordnance Colonel Moses H. Wright recorded on a list of officers and employees connected with the defenses of Atlanta, Ga., April 14, 1864, he was also Chief of the Atlanta Arsenal
[Note: This fellow has 1335 cards in his CSR file]