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150 Years Ago Today...

***************The Daily True Delta, New Orleans. La., Friday, September 21, 1860***************

Texas Items.- By the Magnolia, last evening, we have Galveston and Houston dates to the 18th, Austin the 15th, and other parts of the State as late as due.

Shipments of Produce.- The receipts of produce at Galveston from this city for the week ending the 15th, included 32 hhds sugar, 150 bbls molasses, 2207 bbls flour, 4281 sacks corn, 482 sacks oats, 60 bbls pork, 431 casks bacon, 580 kegs lard, and 124 bbls whisky.

Railroad matters.- Notwithstanding a partial failure of the crops and the incondiarism of abolitionist, our neighbors are determined not to let the railroad interest of the State suffer. The Galveston News of the 18th says:

The bark Aaron Reide came over the bar yesterday, having lightered a portion of her cargo outside. She brings a locomotive engine for the G.H. & H.R. Road. This, with several freight cars received, will materially increase the rolling stock of the road, which is now doing a good business in the freighting line.

The Indianola Bulletin has the following: The schooner Adriatic, from Boston, arrived this week with a cargo of iron for the San Antonio and Mexican Gulf Railroad.

Five thousand nine hundred and ninety four cross ties, for the Indianola railroad, have been landed this week. They were brought by the vessels now in port from Pensacola.

At a meeting of the Directors of the Indianola Railroad Company, held on Tuesday, a call of ten per cent on the capital stock was made due and payable on the – instan.

Suffering in Kaufman County.- A letter to the Clarksville Standard from Cedar Grove, Kaufman county, represents a sad state of affairs in that county. The prairies were burnt up with the long drouth, vegetation dried up, and scarcely any water to found anywhere. The stock had been driven to the Sabine or to the East Fork of the Trinity. The towns and neighborhoods were almost depopulated, all having gone with their stock to hunt for grass and water. There is a small surplus of corn and wheat, above what will be wanted for home use; but the farmers were so occupied with their herds- their main resource- that they could not prepare their crops for market.

The Belton Democrat learns that a few days since, two sons of Elliott M. Millican, of Brazos county, (formerly State Senator) got into a fight with each other. One was shot dead- the other supposed to be mortally wounded, with a bowie knife.
The army exploring expedition, that left San Antonio some time since under command of Lieuts. Eckle and Holeman, has returned, having encountered much hardship and found their camels very useful.

The vigilance committee of Caldwell had under arrest one J. W. McCleery, who, it appears, had been contributing for an Abolition paper somewhere. He had been sent to the vigilance committee of Cameron, who passed judgment on him, and remanded him back to Caldwell for its ratification. What conclusion the Caldwell committee came to has not yet transpired. McCleery is stated to be a man of good education and remarkable talents.
Business, Weather, etc., at Indianola.- The Courier, in its weekly review, remarks:

Trade has been quite lively the greater part of this week; the streets have been full of wagons and teams from the interior, and the harbor presents an interesting appearance, form the unusual number of vessels in ports. The receipts of merchandise and produce have been heavy, and the wholesale and produce have been heavy, and the wholesale trade has been tolerably active. The season is opening finely, and the health of the city continues good. The weather has been generally pleasant; on Thursday, day and night, we had several heavy showers. The reports from the crops continue favorable; it is the opinion of some planters that if there is not an early frost an average crop of cotton will yet be made from the second growth. The re-plant corn is also doing finely.

A Busy Little Port.- There arrived at Indianola during the week ending the 15th, three vessels from New York, one from Boston, one from Philadelphia, four from Pensacola, and one from Galveston, besides five steamships from this city and one from Brazos Santiago.

Haytien Emissary In Mobile.- We clip the following from the Mobile Advertiser of Wednesday;

We learn that a full-grown and blown Haytien, black as ebony, and bearing extraordinary powers from the august Jeffrard of Hayti, made his appearance in Mobile yesterday, and attracted considerable attention. His business here was to promote the emigration of free negroes to Hayti, and he represented that a vessel was in readiness to transport such emigrants thither as might choose to avail themselves of the opportunity.
We understand that the agent waited upon His Honor the Mayor, who politely directed him to His Worship the Sheriff of Mobile County, who informed him that the laws of the State of Alabama did not recognize or look favorably upon the objects of his embassy, and advised him that a speedy departure from within the limits of this Commonwealth would probably best comport with the tenor and spirit of the statutes thereof. The Haytien improved the hint, made his way, under escort of the Chief of Police, to the mail boat, and by the time this reaches the eye of the reader, will probably be in the Crescent City.

Attempt to Run Off the Bark Williams.-
The Key West Key of the Gulf give the full particulars of the attempt to put to sea with the bark Williams, which was prevented by a body of armed citizens on board the pilot boat Edna Jones. It says:
The Collector, Mr. Baldwin, as soon as he was informed that the bark was underway, ordered the pilot boat Edna Jones to pursue her, and succeeded in obtaining the services of eighteen men, including the crew of the boat, (five men) and provided them with arms and ammunition form the revenue cutter. After a chase of about one hour they got sight of the bark some two miles ahead. The men then placed themselves under the command of Messrs. H. Mulrenan and R. Watson, and loaded with ball cartridge…In a short she was overhauled and ordered to surrender in the name of the United States. She not having done so, orders were given to fire a few shots, after which the bark hove to and requested a boat to be sent from the pilot boat. Mr. Watson and six men, including the Inspector of the Port, went in the small boat and proceeded about midway between the bark and the pilot boat, when the bark again went on her way without noticing the boat… the chase was continued for a little over an hour and again overhauled, when orders were given to fire and to direct it towards the wheel. After a few shots the man left the wheel, the firing being still kept up. Some fifty shots being fired before she surrendered. ..instructed to head her for Key West, where she arrived at 4 o’clock, A. M. Having no anchors, boats, &c., she was run ashore on the mud close to the Hospital, and delivered over to Captain Watlington, A. U.S. Marshal, by whose directions the prisoners were escorted to jail by the crews of the pilot boat.

**********************The New York Times****************************

NEWS FROM CALIFORNIA.; Arrival of the Overland Express--The Douglas and the Bell and Everett State Conventions--Commercial Affairs.
Published: September 21, 1860

ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Thursday, Sept. 20.

The Pony Express, with California dates to Sept. 8, arrived here last night.
SAN FRANCISCO, Saturday, Sept. 8 -- 3.40 P.M.

There have been no arrivals since the departure of the last express.
Sailed, ship St. Helena, for Liverpool.

The ship White Swallow has cleared for Melbourne, with over 16,000 sacks of Wheat and 11,000 sacks of Oats.
The ships Nonpareil and David Brown have been chartered to load with wheat for Liverpool.

With the exception of some political movements, not an incident has occurred since the last Express of any particular interest.

The Douglas State Convention held sessions in Sacramento on the 5th and 6th inst. The State was fully represented. More than half the delegates were strong supporters of Senator LATHAM and the Administrasion last year. The representation was such as indicates a probability that the State will go for DOUGLAS. Messrs. Hammond, Humphrey, Griffiths, Don Publo de la Guerra and George F. Price were nominated for Electors. The resolutions adopted censured the California delegates for seceding from the Charleston Convention; repudiate the intervention doctrines of the Republicans of the North and Disunionists of the South; insist upon our rights to San Juan Island, and demand their speedy enforcement; in favor of the overland mails, telegraph and Pacific Railroad, and urge Congressional aid. All the necessary steps have been taken to conduct the canvass vigorously.

The Bell and Everett party held a Convention the same day; 217 delegates were present, representing 26 Counties, considerably more than half the State. The proceedings were very harmonious, though the organization as yet manifests little strength. They probably will not cast 5,000 votes, and may abandon their organization, and all go for DOUGLAS, if subsequent advices from the East suggest that policy.

The Republicans are actively canvassing the State. All their best speakers are in the field. They are gaining the support of many Anti-Lecompton Democrats of last year, while the Douglas party appear to be gaining from the Breckinridge. The recent unfavorable news from the Southern States disheartens the Breckinridge men.

An intensely exciting contest is going on in San Francisco over local nominations. The Republicans who have heretofore always united with the Vigilance Committee Succession party in choosing City and County officers, now propose to bring out a partisan ticket. This has called out an appeal to the people, signed by over 2,000 citizens irrespective of party, urging continued adherence to the Reform policy in Municipal affairs.

SAN FRANCISCO, Saturday, Sept. 8 -- 4 P.M.

A very fair country trade has imparted a better feeling to the market for imports. Transactions from first hands, however, continue moderate, with no leading sales quotable, and no particular alteration in prices. Mess Beef and prime Pork are in demand for shipment to China, at $15 barrel. Foreign Rice is drooping; raw Sugar firmer; foreign Brandies are more active, in lots, to the trade, at easier rates. The market is without any other noticeable features. More activity was generally looked for the ensuing week. An active export business is doing in Wheat, principally for England, at $1 40@$1 50. Tonnage continues scarce, and high freights have to be paid.

General News Of The Day.-

The last scene in the eventful life of Gen. WM. WALKER has been played. The steamship Cahaicba, which arrived at New-Orleans yesterday from Havana, andounces the arrival there of the Spanish steamer Francisco de Asis, with the intelligence that Gen. WALKER and Col. RUTLER had been shot by the authorities of Honduras at Truxillo. No particulars are given.
The great Equinoctial storm which swept with such violence over the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday last reached this City and vicinity yesterday, though with its fury greatly abated. It was accompanied with very little wind, but the rain fell in torrents, accompanied by thunder and lightning. Its advent was preceded by a dense fog, which interfered considerably with navigation in the bay and on the rivers. At Newark the rain fell in such floods that cellars and basements were overflowed, causing damage to the extent of thousands of dollars. Fire-engines were brought into requisition to clear the flooded premises. Several places were also struck by lightning, but no lives were lost.

By the Pony Express which arrived at St. Joseph on Wednesday night, we have advices from California to the afternoon of the 8th inst. Business at San Francisco remained much the same as at last advices. The Douglas State Convention was held at Sacramento on the 5th and 6th inst., and was fully attended, The character of the representation was such as to indicate the success of DOUGLAS at the Novemhpr election. The Bell and Everett Party also held a Convention at the same time, though very little importance was attached to the movement. It was considered probable that they would abandon their organization if such a policy should be suggested by advices from the East. The Republicans were actively engaged in canvassing the State, and were gaining the support of many Anti-Lecompton Democrats; while the Breckinridge men were discouraged by the accounts which had reached them from the Southern States.

Senator DOUGLAS yesterday proceeded from Niagara Falls to Buffalo, where he was received by a procession of "Little Giants" and a great crowd of his admirers, and escorted through the streets of the city to his hotel. In the afternoon he delivered an address to a multitude of people, in which he discussed the usual topics. A meeting was also held last evening, which was addressed by several distinguished gentlemen who are traveling in Mr. DOUGLAS' company.

The Republicans of Jersey City held a large and enthusiastic meeting last evening, and were addressed by Hon. HENRY WILSON and Mr. PANGBOEN, of Massachusetts, and Mr. EVANS, of Maryland.

The Prince of Wales visited the Provincial Exhibition, at Hamilton, yesterday morning, and was presented with an address by the President of the Agricultural Society. The royal party lunched at Dundurn Castle, the residence of Sir ALLEN MCNAB, and left for Detroit, via the Great Western Railway, at 2 P.M. The crowd of people in the City of Hamilton, drawn by the Prince of Wales' visit, together with the annual show, was immense.

Telegrams from Washington, as well as private advices, indicate that arrangements will soon be made with responsible parties for the building of the telegraph line to the Pacific. The lowest bidders, it is said, are about to withdraw their bids, in consequence of their inability to furnish the security stipulated for in the law on which the contract is based, and which Secretary COBB rigidly demands. The result of their withdrawal will be, that the Secretary will be obliged to award the contract to Major SIBLEY and associates, who alone of all the bidders thus far, have shown their ability to execute it to the letter.

The Washington Aqueduct troubles, it is to be hoped, are now in a fair way of being permanently adjusted. The War Department has relieved Capt. MEIGS from all the duties heretofore assigned him in connection with it, with directions to turn over everything immediately to Capt. BENHAM, recently appointed Chief Engineer of the Works. Capt. MEIGS is also relieved from the charge of the construction of Fort Madison, and is assigned, instead, to the duty of constructing Fort Jefferson, on Garden Key, Florida.

The Mayor, last evening, transmitted to the Board of Aldermen the correspondence relative to the visit of the Prince of Wales to this City, and invited the members of the Common Council to cooperatein extending to His Royal Highness the usual hospitalities. The weekly exhibit of the Comptroller sets forth that there was a balance in the treasury, Sept. 13, of $193,414 56. The Committee on Finance reported in favor of appropriating $500 for the funeral of Major FAIRCHILD.

The Scottish games which were to have taken place at Jones' Wood yesterday, were postponed till next Monday on account of the weather. The dinner of the Caledonian Society took place at night, at the Mercer-Street House, at which a large gathering of the Clans took place, and at which Chieftains and Clansmen from other societies in the United States and Canada were present.

David Upton

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