The Texas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron

Masoner was arrested with a large group of pro-CSA near Ft Wise en route to join the South in Oct 1861. They came from the gold camps or Denver and rendezvoused near Denver and Pueblo.They were part of a pro-Secesh underground there. There were about 40 ( Ihave the list of names)who busted out of jail in Feb 1862 and went various ways but mostly South. Many to the Indian Territory and seved in various hard to trace units until 1863. About a dozen ended up in Co A , Scandlan's Bn. Why is a very good question.
The interest in the postwar careers of some of Co A is based on the disappearance of about $20,000 captured from a NM wagon train by Co A in June 1864. Did any of this ever show up in any form? It may actually be a lot less money. The figure comes from the man claiming it from the US Govt and he had no reason to give a lowball figure.
My sources are mostly the O.R.'s and especially Gen Cooper's letters, the individual C.M.S.R.'s of the soldiers and a journal kept by an (unknown) member of the "Reynolds Gang" who raided into CO in 1864 and who all came from Co. A. It really isn't hard to trace the unit's movements by using the C.M.S.R.s and O.R.s.
I'm sort of giving away in advance some of my book on CSA guerrillas in the far West here. It is really a great story but very hard to document. So you can see that I am quite grateful for any leads and your two books have already given me lots of leads which I can follow back to original sources usually. Trouble is I keep getting sidetracked by the good stories you have.

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Thamas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron
Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron
Re: Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron
Re: Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron
Re: Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron
Re: Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron
Re: Thomas Masoner, Co A, Scandlan's Squadron