Richard A. Turnipseed - Captain*
John C. Wells - 1st Lieutenant
William J. Weems - 2nd Lieutenant
Rufus M. Johnson - 2nd Lieutenant
Benjamin F. McCarthy - 2nd Lieutenant
* Cards filed with Company B, Cobb Guards, Georgia Infantry. Companies A and B, Cobb Guards, Georgia Infantry, were temporarily attached to the 22nd Battalion Heavy Artillery about September 19, 1863
Richard A. Turnipseed, 1st Lieutenant, Captain Francis T. Cullens' Independent Company, Georgia Infantry**, which was mustered into service January 10, 1863 at Chattahouchee, Florida, elected Captain of Company occasioned by division of Cobb Guards September 19, 1863, temporarily attached to 1st Battalion Florida Infantry, subsequently attached to the 22nd Battalion Georgia Artillery, as Company H, stationed at Thunderbolt, Georgia October 1, 1863, stationed at the end of the year 1863 at Fort Bartow, Georgia and also on July 31, 1864, recorded in the Heavy Artillery, Military District, Savannah, September 4, 1864 stationed at Rose Dew, paroled April 28,1865 at Greensboro, North Carolina
** This company was divided by S. O. No. 251. Headquarters Military District of Georgia, dated Sept. 6, 1863, and formed Companies A and B, Cobb Guards, Georgia Infantry
M266: Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Georgia
22nd Battalion, Georgia Heavy Artillery
22nd Artillery (Siege) Battalion was organized at Savannah, Georgia, during the summer of 1861 with six companies, increased to nine in the spring of 1864. Many of the men were from Burrow, Oglethorpe, Montgomery, and Cobb counties. The unit was attached to the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, and served in the Georgia coast at Fort Pulaski and Fort McAllister. In 1865, operating as infantry in Elliot's Brigade, it saw action in the North Carolina Campaign and surrendered with the Army of Tennessee. The field officers were Lieutenant Colonel William R. Prichard, and Majors J.B. Gallie, Lawrence J. Guilmartin, and Mark J. McMullan.
Predecessor unit:
Burtwell's-Girardey's-Pritchard's Battery was organized at Athens, Georgia, in April, 1861, with men from Clarke County. It participated in the fight at Shiloh, then was assigned to J.K. Jackson's Brigade and fought with the Army of Tennessee from Murfreesboro to Missionary Ridge. The company was later converted to heavy artillery and attached to the 22nd Georgia Artillery Battalion. Its captains were John R.B.Burtwell, Isadore P. Girardey, and W.R. Pritchard.
22nd Siege GA Heavy Artillery Battalion
Organized: on 11/26/62
Mustered Out: 4/26/65