Thank you for your post, Tommy,
The 13th SCVI was one of the most honored units in the Army of Northern Virginia. I would like nothing better than to start an organization of the descendents of the soldiers of McGowan's Brigade, and to preserve the battle flag of the 13th which now lies at rest in the Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, VA. I hope that one day we will be able to realize that.
I understand that there is a group that is trying to raise money for a monument to McGowan's to place at the Bloody Angle, but I have not been able to locate them.
You, sir, are a descendant of Lee's Shock Troops, Jackson's Foot Cavalry; the premier battle unit of the Confederacy. I hope that we will be able to see that their sacrifices, their legacy, is preserved for future generations.
Deo Vindice.