The Texas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: 27th Tx Cav, Co. A, Pvt; gaping holes in resea

Hi Bill Gen. Richard Taylor surrendered all Confederate troops in his Department 0f East La, Miss. and Ala. on May 4, 1865 at Citronelle, Alabama, which is about 30 miles north of Mobile. The only troops paroled at Citronelle were the remains of the Mobile Garrison. The 27th. at the time of the surrender were patrolling between the Big Black River and Jackson Miss., where they had been for most of the Spring of 1865. They were there guarding against raids by the Union Garrison in Vicksburg.
So think about this; the word of Taylor's surrender would have to travel from Citronelle to Mobile and then across the Gulf to the Mississippi River and up the River to Vicksburg. From Vicksburg a Union Force would then have traveled to Jackson to parole the Confederate troops there on May the 13,1865, including R.W. Acuff. The Union Army often used Preprinted Forms, which could be why the paroled Acuff showed up on a roll for Prisoners of War.
As for "Arrest Prison" I don't see that as a P.O.W. term but rather as "Under Arrest in Prison." Could be that R.W. used his capture and parole in Miss. in July of 1863 as a "Get out of the army card" and went AWOL to his past and future home in Tennessee. A lot of the men who were captured and paroled at Vicksburg, went home and never returned to their units, ever after they were exchanged. It could be that after returning either voluntarily or not to his unit, he was tossed in to the pokey for a couple of months.
Please understand that what I write is based of fact and on well educated guessing.

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27th Tx Cav, Co. A, Pvt; gaping holes in research
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Re: 27th Tx Cav, Co. A, Pvt; gaping holes in resea