Thanks for the lead on the revolvers. I had read Leslie, but forgot that mention was in there. Leslie cites two sources that mention the revolvers. He cites Albert Castel's 1962 book that used Frank Smith's memoir stating the revolvers were Savages. Leslie also cites Barton's memoir of John McCorkle that states on page 154:
"We took a number of the pistols that the enemy were using which were a very large caliber pistol, known as the French Dragoon pistol and we then discovered why they had not killed more of us. These pistols were very heavy at the muzzle and would undershoot and none of our best marksmen could shoot them with any accuracy."
I recall from my reading that the Union cavalry in Missouri were issued a lot of Savage figure eight revolvers. Is that what we have here?
Does anyone else have a source that tells which revolver the 2nd Colorado Cavalry was issued?
The real problem was that the carbines would not fire or would misfire. I seem to recall reading some years back that these were Starr carbines, but not sure. Does anybody know what carbines the 2nd Colorado Cavalry was issued? I think they got rid of these after a number of their troopers were killed in battle trying to get the things to fire. Does anyone know what subsequent carbines they were issed after this?
By the way, you guys came through for me and I have yet to receive a reply on the "Missouri in the Civil War Message Board." Thanks. I'm writing about this, and I want to cite the correct sources.
Bruce Nichols