This should help you out and I hope it is what you are looking for.
Livingston, Gary. Cradled in Glory: Georgia Military Institute, 1851-1865. New York: Caisson Press, 1997.
Page 57. "Colonel Solon Z. Ruff, professor at G.M.I., commanded the 18th Georgia Infantry Regiment and lost his life in the assault on Fort Sanders."
It looks like the Annual Report, July 1857 shows on the Academic Board roster he was Assistant Professor of Mathematics and you probably was wondering what each of the academic years of students were taught and the text from which they were taught. Here you go:
Year. Text Books.
Fourth Class Students. Davies' Arithmetic. Bourdon's Algebra. Legendre's Geometry and Trigonometry.
Third Class Students. Davies' Descriptive Geometry, Spherical Projections and Warped Surfaces. Davies' Shades, Shadows, and Perspective. Surveying. Analytical Geometry.
Second Class Students. Church's Calculus.
First Class Students. I think this would fall into the Mathematics Department. Engineering and Architecture. Mahan's Civil Engineeringl Mahan's Field Fortifications; Lectures on Architecture; Practical exercise in Constructive Drawing.
I hope this helps.
Gerald D. Hodge, Jr.
War Between the States Historian
Historian: 39th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment