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Re: Union vs Constitution
In Response To: Re: Union vs Constitution ()

This is why I made my comment about Wikipedia, it doesn't give a clear picture...

The Act of September 13, 1788 came from the following vote...


Wednesday July 2, 1788

Congress assembled present Newhamshire Massachusetts Rhode island Connecticut New York New Jersey, Pensylvania Virginia North Carolina South Carolina & Georgia & from Maryland Mr. Contee

* * * * * * *

The State of Newhampshire having ratified the constitution transmitted to them by the Act of the 28 of Septr last & transmitted to Congress their ratification & the same being read, the president reminded Congress that this was the ninth ratification transmitted & laid before them.


On Motion of Mr. Clarke seconded by Mr. Edwards

Ordered That the ratifications of the constitution of the United States transmitted to Congress be referred to a comee to examine the same and report an Act to Congress for putting the said constitution into operation in pursuance of the resolutions of the late federal Convention.

On the question to agree to this Order the yeas & nays being required by Mr. Yates

Mr. Gilman ay
Mr. Wingate ay


Mr. Dane ay
Mr. Otis ay


Rhode Island
Mr. Arnold
Mr. Hazard -------- excused

Mr. Edwards ay
Mr. Huntington ay


New York
Mr. L'Hommedieu no
Mr. Yates ay


New Jersey
Mr. Clarke ay
Mr. Elmer ay
Mr. Dayton ay


Mr. Bingham ay
Mr. Reid ay



Mr. Contee ay


Mr. Carrington ay
Mr.Brown ay
Mr. Clarke ay


South Carolina
Mr. Huger ay
Mr. Parker ay
Mr. Tucker ay


Mr. Few ay
Mr. Baldwin ay



Note; North Carolina and Delaware were not at the vote. Rhode Island did not vote. New York was split. Maryland's vote is recorded as an X because it did not have full representation. There are only 8 yes's. The Articles clearly state it takes the consent of 9 states to do anything. Where are the confirmations from every State legislatures required by the law?

David Upton

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