James M. Cushing, age 19, Private, Capt. Moragne's Company, Alabama Volunteers,* enlisted May 10, 1862 at Gadsden, Ala. by Capt. Moragne for 3 years or the war, captured at Mossy Creek, Tenn, January 22, 1864, arrived Rock Island Barracks, Ill. prison February 18, released October 17, 1864, no further records
Note, it is possible that he may have rejoined his regiment, however, there are no company muster roll extant post October, 1864
* This company subsequently became (New) Company G, 48th Regiment Alabama Infantry
M311: Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Alabama
His records consist of 27 cards, many pertaining to hospital records before his capture. You may procure these records from this message board, at: http://history-sites.com/research/