"I'm a Christian, I vote and pay taxes, and have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution,"
I also swore an oath to that same Constitution, twice in the military and as a Police officer. It is the only oath that I can remember taking in my life. I didn't take an oath to the Government of the United States, and I think you can see why we should be careful in taking such an oath to these Governments blindly.
You also said; "I am also a Life member of the NRA, and carry a pistol, legally."
May I ask under the second amendment,'How do you carry one ILLEGALLY, if you are a first class citizen, with all the rights, there of in this country?' Just a thought to point out maybe we have surrendered too many of our right already.
Again you commented: "We can't, and shouldn't act the same as our ancestors; we are too outgunned."
They were outgunned also. The patriots of the American revolution were facing the mightiest army in the world in their day. The southerners in 1860 had no standing army either. I am sure that there were people in those days to who said the government is to powerful. Well we have seen what governments with power over their citizens do to their citizens.
You commented; "But we can get smarter, and vote the so and sos out!"
Nobody has ever explained to me what we are to do when our "vote" is not respected and our election system is highjacked. We only have to look at all the recent elections which have been tainted by voter fraud by organizations like A.C.O.R.N. (who we now fund with our taxpayer dollars) and the dead voting in Chicago and New York among others, to realize that "voting" and "elections" can only go so far. That voting is only good so long as the system and method itself is above reproach. Just take a look at the Senatorial election in Minnisota right now and you will see that our election process has been taken over and is being run by corrupt organized gangs called political parties.
Finally; "I just wrote one of my Senators, who's mostly on our side, thank goodness. When they hear from enough of us they just might begin to listen."
If this Senator also swore to support and defend the Constitution, why is he just "Mostly on our side"? Why isn't he completely on our side?
Also, what are we to do when our elected officials don't Listen? In the case of Senators are we to wait 6 years to vote them out? All the time while they are NOT doing their jobs of repersenting us, and voting their own Conviction on such matter as illegal immigrantion, as I was told by one of my Senators. I think we ought to be able to "fire" them immediately for breach of contract and dereliction of duties. But it is like the Fox being in charge of the Henhouse. They are the bosses, they have the power, and not us.
So we the people are stuck on the horns of a delima. The only option that may be left to us is one which we do not wish to take. The same as in 1776 and 1861.